What We Do
Who We've Helped
Current Projects
Current projects

Haiti Relief Work: The Delaney Bay fund operates a compound to provide refuge for relief workers. We provide a safe location for overnight stays, meals, sanitation facilities, and storage facilities. At any one time, we host between 12 to 60 relief workers daily who use our compound as their sanctuary and base of operations.

Haiti Education: Many educational facilities were flattened by the 2010 earthquake, which claimed more than 200,000 lives, and left a million people homeless. We are currently manufacturing classroom furniture to provide to The Tearfund, a not-for-profit organization building schools in the mountainous areas near the coastal city of Leogane, Haiti.

Haiti Clinics: We are currently partnering with an Israeli medical relief organization, to provide doctors and nurses to staff a sustainable care medical clinic. The clinic provides critical healthcare services to residents of Leogane and the surrounding mountainous areas. The clinic targets sustainable healthcare needs for those with high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic illnesses. Training courses are provided to local nurses and doctors in order to expand our ability to provide services. Next steps include the implementation of mobile clinics to meet the needs of Haitians in the remote mountainous areas.


Watertown Teen Center
The Delaney Bay Fund provided financial support to the Watertown Teen Center for the renovation of a new center in Downtown Watertown. The Center provides at-risk teens with a challenging environment that will equip them to become productive young adults in our community.